김성수 공저 논문
No. | Article |
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Breakthrough analysis of carbon dioxide adsorption on zeolite synthesized from fly ash Lee CH, Park SW, Kim SS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31(2), 179, 2014 |
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나노크기 TiO2의 제조에 미치는 첨가제 영향 김석현, 나석은, 김시영, 김성수, 주창식 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 51(4), 426, 2013 |
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Absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous solution of 2-amino-2-methy-1-propanol and 1, 8-diamino-p-menthane Oh KJ, Min BM, Kim SS, Hyun K, Park SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(7), 946, 2012 |
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Simultaneous absorption of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide into aqueous 1, 8-diamino-p-menthane Oh KJ, Min BM, Kim SS, Park SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(8), 1754, 2011 |
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Simultaneous absorption of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide into aqueous 2-amino-2-methy-1-propanol Oh KJ, Kim SS, Park SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(6), 1444, 2011 |
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Chemical absorption of carbon dioxide into oxirane solution containing ID-CP-MS41 catalyst Oh KJ, Mun SM, Kim SS, Park SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(2), 567, 2011 |
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고정층 흡착탑에서 석탄비산재로부터 합성한 Zeolite의 VOCs 흡착 해석 김성수, 이창한, 박상욱 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 48(6), 784, 2010 |
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Absorption of carbon dioxide in aqueous colloidal silica solution with NaOH Hwang KS, Park SW, Park DW, Oh KJ, Kim SS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(5), 1570, 2010 |
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Adsorption of carbon dioxide onto BDA-CP-MS41 Choe Y, Oh KJ, Kim SS, Park SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(3), 962, 2010 |
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Breakthrough data analysis of adsorption of volatile organic compounds on granular activated carbon Oh KJ, Park DW, Kim SS, Park SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(2), 632, 2010 |
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Adsorption of carbon dioxide onto PDA-CP-MS41 adsorbent Hwang KS, Han L, Park DW, Oh KJ, Kim SS, Park SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(1), 241, 2010 |
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활성탄 충전층에서 벤젠 증기의 흡착특성 김성수, 김종현, 박상욱 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 47(4), 495, 2009 |
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세슘카보네이트에서 이산화탄소의 수착반응 손영식, 김성수, 박상욱 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 47(3), 373, 2009 |
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Absorption of carbon dioxide into glycidyl methacrylate solution with quaternary onium salts Son YS, Park SW, Park DW, Oh KJ, Kim SS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(5), 1359, 2009 |
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Sorption kinetics of carbon dioxide onto rubidium carbonate Hwang KS, Park SW, Park DW, Oh KJ, Kim SS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(5), 1383, 2009 |
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Absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous colloidal silica solution with different sizes of silica particles containing monoethanolamine Hwang BJ, Park SW, Park DW, Oh KJ, Kim SS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(3), 775, 2009 |
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Absorption of carbon dioxide into glycidyl methacrylate solution containing the triethylamine immobilized ionic liquid on MCM-41 catalyst Son YS, Park SW, Park DW, Oh KJ, Kim SS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(3), 783, 2009 |
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Mass transfer of carbon dioxide in aqueous colloidal silica solution containing N-methyldiethanolamine Park SW, Choi BS, Kim SS, Lee JW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(4), 819, 2008 |
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Absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous colloidal silica solution with diisopropanolamine Park SW, Choi BS, Kim SS, Lee BD, Lee JW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(2), 166, 2008 |
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Kinetic parameters using an immobilized tetrahexylammonium chloride catalyst in glycidyl methacrylate reaction with carbon dioxide Park SW, Choi BS, Park DW, Kim SS, Lee JW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(6), 953, 2007 |
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Chemical Absorption of Carbon Dioxide into Aqueous Colloidal Silica Solution Containing Monoethanolamine Park SW, Choi BS, Kim SS, Lee JW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(1), 133, 2007 |
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Absorption Rate of Carbon Dioxide into Aqueous Polyethylene Oxide Solution Containing Triethanolamine Park SW, Choi BS, Kim SS Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(2), 199, 2006 |
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단결정과 단분자막을 모델 시스템으로 한 Poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate]의 분해거동 김성수, 이원기, 안용식 Polymer(Korea), 29(1), 54, 2005 |
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Kinetics of the Reaction between Carbon Dioxide and Glycidyl Methacrylate using 18-Crown-6 as a Catalyst Park SW, Choi BS, Park DW, Kim SS Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(4), 527, 2005 |
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Chemical Absorption of Carbon Dioxide with MDEA in a Non-Newtonian W/O Emulsion Park SW, Choi BS, Lee BD, Park DW, Kim SS Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(6), 1033, 2004 |
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Gas Permeation Characteristics of Silica/Alumina Composite Membrane Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition Kim SS, Sea BK Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(3), 322, 2001 |