Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.50, No.22, 12433-12438, 2011
Intensification of Synthesis of Cumene Hydroperoxide Using Sonochemical Reactors
Intensification of chemical synthesis is a key research area due to the Current constraints bore the chemical industry due to competition as well as economics and demand for greener routes of processing. The present work illustrates: the use of sonochemical reactors for the intensification of synthesis of cumene hydroperoxide from cumene. Air oxidation Of cumene in the, presence of Cupric oxide powder as :a catalyst has been investigated :using a conventional approach and different sonochemical : reactors such as an ultrasonic bath and a probe sonicator. Optimization of different operating parameters such as stirrer speed, :1 temperature, catalyst quantity, air flow rate, and cumene hydroperoxide as an initiator have been investigated using conventional stirring method. The optimum conditions for the air oxidation of the cumene process have been obtained as stirrer speed of 300 rpm, temperature as 110 degrees C, catalyst quantity of 3 g, and air flow rate as 500 mL/min, and cumene hydroperoxide as an initiator had a very marginal effect In the case of ultrasound assisted synthesis approach, various parameters studied were pulse of ultrasound, power of ultrasound, and frequency of ultrasound. Enhancement in conversion of cumene and reduction in the reaction time was observed in the presence of ultrasound as compared to silent conditions. The selectivity toward cumene hydroperoxide was marginally affected by the use of ultrasonic conditions. The maximum conversion obtained Using ultrasound was 67.1% when 40 kHz frequency of ultrasound horn was used in 4 h, while 50.4% conversion was obtained in;8 h of reaction under otherwise similar operating conditions. The obtained selectivity was always greater than 95% for all conditions considered in the work. The present work has clearly revealed that substantial intensification is obtained for the synthesis of cumene hydroperoxide using ultrasound as compared to the Conventional approach.