HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.32, No.3, 376-384, June, 1994
용융 NaOH 침출법으로 처리한 석탄의 연소특성 변화
Changes in Combustion Characteristics of Coals after Treatment with Molten Caustic Leaching
융용 NaOH 침출법을 이용하여 국내무연탄인 장성탄에 대하여 회분제거를 목적으로 침출온도, NaOH/석탄비, 입자크기 등을 변화시켜 실험하였으며 처리후 탄의 회분제거특성과 연소온도변화 그리고 연소속도변화 등을 열천칭을 이용하여 고찰하였다. 또한 침출온도 390℃, NaOH/석탄비 4에서 유연탄과 수입무연탄을 대상으로 실험하여 비교하였다. 장성탄의 회분제거율은 64-88%를 보였으며 처리탄의 연소온도는 최대연소온도를 기준으로 원탄에 비해 약 150℃ 낮아져 유연탄과 유사한 연소온도 범위를 갖게 되는 것을 알 수 있었다. 처리후 탄의 입자크기, 표면적을 측정하였으며 등급을 나타내는 VM/FC를 계산하여 처리후 탄의 연소온도변화와의 관계에 대해 간략히 논하였다.
Korean anthracite, JangSung coal, has been treated with molten caustic leaching using several reaction temperatures, NaOH/coal ratios and particle sizes of raw coals. Ash removal rates, Variations in combustion temperatures and combustion rates after treatment were investigated by using TGA(Thermogravimetric Analyser). Results for a typical bituminous coal and a foreign anthracite at a fixed condition of 390℃, NaOH/coal ratio of 4 were also compared with that for a JangSung coal. It had been found for JangSung Coal that the ash removal rates were 64-88% and the combustion peak temperature lowered about 150℃ after treatment so that the combustion range of treated coal became similar to that of bituminous coal. Variations in particle size, surface area after treatment were measured and the ratio of volatile matter to fixed carbon(VM/FC) representing coal rank were calculated. The relationship between VM/FC ratio and the variations in combustion temperatures after treatment was discussed briefly.
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