Thin Solid Films, Vol.317, No.1-2, 477-480, 1998
Depth-profiling via X-ray photoemission and Auger spectroscopies of N+ implanted tungsten carbides grown on the Ti-6Al-4V alloy
Joint Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements on the WC/Ti-6Al-4V system are presented as a part of a study about the effects of Nf implantation on the adhesion properties of this ceramic-metal couple. The aim is to investigate the atomic redistributions and the interface chemistry associated with N+ implantation. Under the implantation conditions considered here, W and C are seen to decouple in the interface region : C goes deeper into the substrate with respect to W forming a TiC phase in the thin metal layer facing the ceramic overlayer. Moreover, a TiN phase develops within the layer of the metallic alloy where implanted N atoms are present.