Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.109, 79-99, May, 2022
Microfluidic free-flow electrophoresis: A promising tool for protein purification and analysis in proteomics
Microfluidic free-flow electrophoresis (μFFE) is the most promising technique for proteomics. This method can perform real-time separation and detection of analytes in a small device where a continuousflowof carrier buffer is driven and an external electric field is applied perpendicular to the buffer flow. The capability of μFFE has motivated extensive applications pertaining to the pre-fractionation, enrichment, and higherlevel purification of target proteins in biological systems. This review introduces the proteomics applications of the technique, along with a detailed theoretical overview, as follows. First, the principle and the band broadening involved in μFFE are explained. Next, materials for the fabrication of a μFFE device are described, followed by a summary of the online detection methods for μFFE. Finally, various applications of μFFE in proteomics fields are introduced, particularly focusing on microfluidic free-flow zone electrophoresis and microfluidic free-flow isoelectric focusing, the two major separation modes of μFFE.
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