Macromolecular Research, Vol.26, No.6, 521-528, June, 2018
Self-Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes and Boron Nitride via Electrostatic Interaction for Epoxy Composites of High Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity
The self-assembled oxidized carbon nanotubes (oCNTs) with the silane functionalized hexagonal boron nitrides (oCNTs@fBN) via electrostatic interaction were used to improve the thermal conductivity while maintaining the electrical insulation properties of the epoxy composites. The oCNTs were separately immobilized on the edges of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), which prevent oCNTs from continuously contacting with each other. The thermal conductivity and volume resistivity of oCNTs@fBN filler loaded epoxy composites were measured and compared with the epoxy composites with a filler of hBN, a mixed filler of oCNTs, and silane functionalized hBN (fBN). The thermal conductivity of the epoxy composites containing 20 wt% of oCNTs@fBN10 was 1.26 W·m-1·K-1, which is higher than 600% compared to that of neat epoxy and the volume resistivity of the epoxy composites was in an insulation region even at high content of oCNTs@fBN filler. The significant improvement in thermal conductivity was attributed to the formation of linkages between oCNTs and fBN and the good compatibility of oCNTs@fBN in the epoxy matrix.
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