1 - 2 |
Comment on "Multi-objective optimization for combined heat and power economic dispatch with power transmission loss and emission reduction" Shi B, Yan LX, Wu W [Energy 2013; 56: 226-34] Ahmadia A, Ahmadi MR |
3 - 16 |
Characterisation of a low pressure turbine for turbocompounding applications in a heavily downsized mild-hybrid gasoline engine Mamat AMI, Romagnoli A, Martinez-Botas RF |
17 - 30 |
Optimal investment and scheduling of distributed energy resources with uncertainty in electric vehicle driving schedules Cardoso G, Stadler M, Bozchalui MC, Sharma R, Marnay C, Barbosa-Povoa A, Ferrao R |
31 - 43 |
Analysis of a high performance model Stirling engine with compact porous-sheets heat exchangers Li ZG, Haramura Y, Kato Y, Tang DW |
44 - 57 |
Performance comparison of renewable incentive schemes using optimal control Oak N, Lawson D, Charnpneys A |
58 - 68 |
Process simulation and thermodynamic analysis of an IGCC (integrated gasification combined cycle) plant with an entrained coal gasifier Lee JC, Lee HH, Joo YJ, Lee CH, Oh M |
69 - 94 |
Bejan's heatlines and numerical visualization of convective heat flow in differentially heated enclosures with concave/convex side walls Biswal P, Basak T |
95 - 108 |
Long-term transport energy demand and climate policy: Alternative visions on transport decarbonization in energy-economy models Pietzcker RC, Longden T, Chen WY, Fu S, Kriegler E, Kyle P, Luderer G |
109 - 119 |
Efficiency analysis of a hard-coal-fired supercritical power plant with a four-end high-temperature membrane for air separation Kotowicz J, Michalski S |
120 - 129 |
Assessment of the influence of shortening the duration of TRT (thermal response test) on the precision of measured values Bujok P, Grycz D, Klempa M, Kunz A, Porzer M, Pytlik A, Rozehnal Z, Vojcinak P |
130 - 153 |
Forecasting the limits to the availability and diversity of global conventional oil supply: Validation Hallock JL, Wu W, Hall CAS, Jefferson M |
154 - 163 |
Thermodynamic and thermoeconomic analyses of seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant with energy recovery El-Emam RS, Dincer I |
164 - 171 |
Thermal properties of big bluestem as affected by ecotype and planting location along the precipitation gradient of the Great Plains Zhang K, Johnson L, Nelson R, Yuan WQ, Pei ZJ, Sun XS, Wang DH |
172 - 186 |
Multi-level investment planning and scheduling under electricity and carbon market dynamics: Retrofit of a power plant with PCC (post-combustion carbon capture) processes Khalilpour R |
187 - 199 |
Thermal performance of a solar water heater with internal exchanger using thermosiphon system in Cote d'Ivoire Koffi PME, Koua BK, Gbaha P, Toure S |
200 - 211 |
Towards improvement of natural gas-diesel dual fuel mode: An experimental investigation on performance and exhaust emissions Lounici MS, Loubar K, Tarabet L, Balistrou M, Niculescu DC, Tazerout M |
212 - 219 |
Melting over a wavy surface in a rectangular cavity heated from below Kousksou T, Mahdaoui M, Ahmed A, Msaad AA |
220 - 233 |
Modelling and optimization of retrofitting residential energy systems at the urban scale Jennings M, Fisk D, Shah N |
234 - 241 |
Influence of electrodeposition modes on the supercapacitive performance of Co3O4 electrodes Jagadale AD, Kumbhar VS, Bulakhe RN, Lokhande CD |
242 - 247 |
Effect of surface treatment on the interfacial contact resistance and corrosion resistance of Fe-Ni-Cr alloy as a bipolar plate for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells Yang MJ, Zhang DM |
248 - 258 |
Distribution of sulfur species in gaseous and condensed phase during downdraft gasification of corn straw Gai C, Dong YP, Zhang TH |
259 - 267 |
Influence of port-inducted ethanol or gasoline on combustion and emission of a closed cycle diesel engine Wu HW, Wang RH, Chen YC, Ou DJ, Chen TY |
268 - 276 |
An assessment of different solvent-based capture technologies within an IGCC-CCS power plant Urech J, Tock L, Harkin T, Hoadley A, Marechal F |
277 - 286 |
Achieving carbon emission reduction through industrial & urban symbiosis: A case of Kawasaki Dong HJ, Ohnishi S, Fujita T, Geng Y, Fujii M, Dong L |
287 - 297 |
Modeling and simulation for the design of thermal-concentrated solar thermoelectric generator Chen WH, Wang CC, Hung CI, Yang CC, Juang RC |
298 - 306 |
Methane hydrate dissociation using inverted five-spot water flooding method in cubic hydrate simulator Li G, Li XS, Li B, Wang Y |
307 - 322 |
Numerical investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer in a doublet enhanced geothermal system with CO2 as the working fluid (CO2-EGS) Luo F, Xu RN, Jiang PX |
323 - 329 |
The effects of unburned hydrocarbon recirculation on ignition and combustion during diesel engine cold starts Cui Y, Peng HY, Deng KY, Shi L |
330 - 341 |
Performance assessment of carbonation process integrated with coal fired power plant to reduce CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions Rasul MG, Moazzem S, Khan MMK |
342 - 354 |
Multi-objective stochastic Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration from the reliability point of view Kavousi-Fard A, Niknam T |
355 - 366 |
Energy and exergy utilization efficiencies and emission performance of Canadian transportation sector, 1990-2035 Motasemi F, Afzal MT, Salema AA, Moghavvemi M, Shekarchian M, Zarifi F, Mohsin R |
367 - 374 |
Performance analysis of a small-scale combined heat and power system using agricultural biomass residues: The SMARt-CHP demonstration project Mertzis D, Mitsakis P, Tsiakmakis S, Manara P, Zabaniotou A, Samaras Z |
375 - 388 |
Modelling and operation optimization of an integrated energy based direct district water-heating system Jiang XS, Jing ZX, Li YZ, Wu QH, Tang WH |
389 - 397 |
Performance research on modified KCS (Kalina cycle system) 11 without throttle valve He JC, Liu C, Xu XX, Li YR, Wu SY, Xu JL |
398 - 403 |
Low platinum, high limiting current density of the PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell) based on multilayer cathode catalyst approach Fofana D, Natarajan SK, Hamelin J, Benard P |
404 - 418 |
Transmission grid extensions during the build-up of a fully renewable pan-European electricity supply Becker S, Rodriguez RA, Andresen GB, Schramm S, Greiner M |
419 - 428 |
A new reaction model for low temperature oxidation of heavy oil: Experiments and numerical modeling Khansari Z, Kapadia P, Mahinpey N, Gates ID |
429 - 436 |
Modeling solar radiation of Mediterranean region in Turkey by using fuzzy genetic approach Kisi O |
437 - 449 |
User-expected price-based demand response algorithm for a home-to-grid system Li XH, Hong SH |
450 - 461 |
Performance prediction of a multi-MW wind turbine adopting an advanced hydrostatic transmission Silva P, Giuffrida A, Fergnani N, Macchi E, Cantu M, Suffredini R, Schiavetti M, Gigliucci G |
462 - 472 |
Power generation using waste heat recovery by organic Rankine cycle in oil and gas sector in Egypt: A case study Khatita MA, Ahmed TS, Ashour FH, Ismail IM |
473 - 483 |
A comprehensive energy-exergy-based assessment and parametric study of a hydrogen production process using steam glycerol reforming Hajjaji N, Chahbani A, Khila Z, Pons MN |
484 - 494 |
System analysis and optimisation of a Kalina split-cycle for waste heat recovery on large marine diesel engines Larsen U, Nguyen TV, Knudsen T, Haglind F |
495 - 505 |
Risk implications of renewable support instruments: Comparative analysis of feed-in tariffs and premiums using a mean-variance approach Kitzing L |
506 - 512 |
A top-down approach to assess physical and ecological limits of biofuels de Castro C, Carpintero O, Frechoso F, Mediavilla M, de Miguel LJ |
513 - 523 |
Economic analysis of a supercritical coal-fired CHP plant integrated with an absorption carbon capture installation Bartela L, Skorek-Osikowska A, Kotowicz J |
524 - 532 |
Differential electricity pricing and energy efficiency in South Africa Kohler M |
533 - 540 |
Feasibility analysis of changing turbine load in power plants using continuous condenser pressure adjustment Wang W, Zeng DL, Liu JZ, Niu YG, Cui C |
541 - 550 |
Multi-perspective analysis of China's energy supply security Geng JB, Ji Q |
551 - 556 |
Effects of multiple irradiations on luminescent materials and energy savings - A case study for the synthesis of BaMO4: Ln(3+) (M = W, Mo; Ln = Eu, Tb) phosphors Lin JT, Zeng Z, Ma QM, Wang QM, Zhang YF |
557 - 566 |
Economic, environmental and social assessment of briquette fuel from agricultural residues in China - A study on flat die briquetting using corn stalk Hu JJ, Lei TZ, Wang ZW, Yan XY, Shi XG, Li ZF, He XF, Zhang QG |
567 - 574 |
Microwave plasma studies of Spirulina algae pyrolysis with relevance to hydrogen production Lin KC, Lin YC, Hsiao YH |
575 - 581 |
Pickering emulsion: A novel template for microencapsulated phase change materials with polymer-silica hybrid shell Yin DZ, Ma L, Liu JJ, Zhang QY |
582 - 600 |
Exergoeconomic, sustainability and environmental damage cost analyses of T56 turboprop engine Balli O, Hepbasli A |
601 - 606 |
Estimating the economic value of residential electricity use in the Republic of Korea using contingent valuation Lim KM, Lim SY, Yoo SH |
607 - 614 |
Progress in polymeric material for hydrogen storage application in middle conditions Pedicini R, Schiavo B, Rispoli P, Sacca A, Carbone A, Gatto I, Passalacqua E |
615 - 625 |
Effect of flue gas recirculation during oxy-fuel combustion in a rotary cement kiln Granados DA, Chejne F, Mejia JM, Gomez CA, Berrio A, Jurado WJ |
626 - 631 |
Production and use of electrolytic hydrogen in Ecuador towards a low carbon economy Pelaez-Samaniego MR, Riveros-Godoy G, Torres-Contreras S, Garcia-Perez T, Albornoz-Vintimilla E |
632 - 639 |
Numerical study of turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer in lateral perforated extended surfaces Ismail F, Hasan MN, Saha SC |
640 - 647 |
A quantitative discussion on the assessment of power supply technologies: DEA (data envelopment analysis) and SAW (simple additive weighting) as complementary methods for the "Grammar" Shakouri GH, Nabaee M, Aliakbarisani S |
648 - 662 |
Multi-objective optimized management of electrical energy storage systems in an islanded network with renewable energy sources under different design scenarios Ippolito MG, Di Silvestre ML, Sanseverino ER, Zizzo G, Graditi G |
663 - 672 |
Improvement of the greenhouse climate using a solar air heater with latent storage energy Bouadila S, Kooli S, Skouri S, Lazaar M, Farhat A |
673 - 677 |
A small-sample hybrid model for forecasting energy-related CO2 emissions Meng M, Niu DX, Shang W |
678 - 687 |
Use of water containing acetone-butanol-ethanol for NOx-PM (nitrogen oxide-particulate matter) trade-off in the diesel engine fueled with biodiesel Chang YC, Lee WJ, Wu TS, Wu CY, Chen SJ |
688 - 696 |
A hybrid method of incorporating extended priority list into equal incremental principle for energy-saving generation dispatch of thermal power systems Cheng CT, Li SS, Li G |
697 - 706 |
Exergetic performance evaluation of a single pass baffled solar air heater Sabzpooshani M, Mohammadi K, Khorasanizadeh H |
707 - 718 |
Experimental study on compound HCCI (homogenous charge compression ignition) combustion fueled with gasoline and diesel blends Lu XC, Qian Y, Yang Z, Han D, Ji JB, Zhou XX, Huang Z |
719 - 733 |
Optimal structural design of residential cogeneration systems in consideration of their operating restrictions Wakui T, Yokoyama R |
734 - 746 |
Optimization mathematical model for the detailed design of air cooled heat exchangers Manassaldi JI, Scenna NJ, Mussati SF |
747 - 757 |
G-Functions for multiple interacting pile heat exchangers Loveridge F, Powrie W |
758 - 770 |
Active power estimation of photovoltaic generators for distribution network planning based on correlation models Ramon-Marin M, Sumper A, Villafafila-Robles R, Bergas-Jane J |
771 - 778 |
Experimental investigation into gas/particle flow in a down-fired 350 MWe supercritical utility boiler at different over-fire air ratios Liu CL, Li ZQ, Jing XJ, Xie YQ, Zhang QH, Zong QD |
779 - 792 |
Multi-objective optimization for component capacity of the photovoltaic-based battery switch stations: Towards benefits of economy and environment Liu NA, Chen Z, Liu J, Tang X, Xiao XN, Zhang JH |
793 - 810 |
Cost and performance analysis of concentrating solar power systems with integrated latent thermal energy storage Nithyanandam K, Pitchumani R |
811 - 817 |
Electricity consumption-GDP nexus in Pakistan: A structural time series analysis Javid M, Qayyum A |
818 - 827 |
Experimental study of the drag reduction in turbulent pipe flow Chemloul NS |
828 - 841 |
Techno-economical analysis of stand-alone hybrid renewable power system for Ras Musherib in United Arab Emirates Rohani G, Nour M |
842 - 852 |
Experimental investigation in an optically accessible diesel engine of a fouled piezoelectric injector Magno A, Mancaruso E, Vaglieco BM |
853 - 867 |
The role of demand response in single and multi-objective wind-thermal generation scheduling: A stochastic programming Falsafi H, Zakariazadeh A, Jadid S |
868 - 874 |
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy maximal power extraction of wind turbine with continuously variable transmission Petkovic D, Cojbasic Z, Nikolic V, Shamshirband S, Kiah MLM, Anuar NB, Wahab AWA |
875 - 886 |
Internal and external HIDiCs (heat-integrated distillation columns) optimization by genetic algorithm Shahandeh H, Ivakpour J, Kasiri N |
887 - 899 |
A CFD (computational fluid dynamic) simulation for oil leakage from damaged submarine pipeline Zhu HJ, Lin PZ, Pan Q |
900 - 911 |
A study of the optimal operating conditions in the organic Rankine cycle using a turbo-expander for fluctuations of the available thermal energy Cho SY, Cho CH, Ahn KY, Lee YD |
912 - 922 |
A mathematical model for the optimal operation of the University of Genoa Smart Polygeneration Microgrid: Evaluation of technical, economic and environmental performance indicators Bracco S, Delfino F, Pampararo F, Robba M, Rossi M |
923 - 930 |
Performance optimum analysis of an irreversible molten carbonate fuel cell-Stirling heat engine hybrid system Chen LW, Zhang HC, Gao SH, Yan HX |
931 - 941 |
Automatically varying the composition of a mixed refrigerant solution for single mixed refrigerant LNG (liquefied natural gas) process at changing working conditions Xu XW, Liu JP, Cao L, Pang WQ |
942 - 952 |
Thermodynamic analysis of carbon dioxide blends with low GWP (global warming potential) working fluids-based transcritical Rankine cycles for low-grade heat energy recovery Dai BM, Li MX, Ma YT |
953 - 960 |
Enhanced sample entropy-based health management of Li-ion battery for electrified vehicles Hu XS, Li SE, Jia ZZ, Egardt B |
961 - 969 |
Thermal analysis and modeling of surface heat exchangers operating in the transonic regime Sousa J, Villafane L, Paniagua G |
970 - 978 |
Optimization of rhombic drive mechanism used in beta-type Stirling engine based on dimensionless analysis Cheng CH, Yang HS |
979 - 990 |
Entropy generation of nanofluid flow with streamwise conduction in microchannels Ting TW, Hung YM, Guo NQ |
991 - 1001 |
Cooling energy efficiency and classroom air environment of a school building operated by the heat recovery air conditioning unit Wang Y, Zhao FY, Kuckelkorn J, Liu D, Liu LQ, Pan XC |
1002 - 1025 |
Biomass pyrolysis in a fixed-bed reactor: Effects of pyrolysis parameters on product yields and characterization of products Aysu T, Kucuk MM |
1026 - 1034 |
The changing trend and influencing factors of energy efficiency: The case of nine countries Cui Q, Kuang HB, Wu CY, Li Y |
1035 - 1043 |
On in situ hydrogen sulfide evolution and catalytic scavenging in steam-based oil sands recovery processes Kapadia PR, Wang J, Gates ID |
1044 - 1056 |
Energy propagation in plasma arc welding with keyhole tracking Li Y, Feng YH, Zhang XX, Wu CS |
1057 - 1070 |
Numerical and experimental study of a heat recovery steam generator during start-up procedure Alobaid F, Karner K, Belz J, Epple B, Kim HG |
1071 - 1079 |
Electricity-generation mix considering energy security and carbon emission mitigation: Case of Korea and Mongolia Ryu H, Dorjragchaa S, Kim Y, Kim K |
1080 - 1091 |
The influence of an estimated energy saving due to natural ventilation on the Mexican energy system Oropeza-Perez I, Ostergaard PA |
1092 - 1101 |
Thermodynamic assessment of active cooling/heating methods for lithium-ion batteries of electric vehicles in extreme conditions Zhang XW, Kong X, Li GJ, Li J |
1102 - 1116 |
Air source heat pump water heater: Dynamic modeling, optimal energy management and mini-tubes condensers Ibrahim O, Fardoun F, Younes R, Louahlia-Gualous H |