1153 - 1169 |
Reserves growth in a mature oil field: The Devonian Leduc Formation at Innisfail Field, south-central Alberta, Canada Atchley SC, West LW, Sluggett JR |
1171 - 1185 |
Three-dimensional structural model of the Painter and East Painter reservoir structures, Wyoming fold and thrust belt Dischinger JD, Mitra S |
1187 - 1200 |
Reactivation of pressure-solution seams by a strike-slip fault-sequential, dilational jog formation and fluid flow Watkinson AJ, Ward EMG |
1201 - 1226 |
Chronologic modeling of faulted and fractured reservoirs using geomechanically based restoration: Technique and industry applications Maerten L, Maerten F |
1227 - 1249 |
Evolution of fracture and fault-controlled fluid pathways in carbonates of the Albanides fold-thrust belt Wall BRG, Girbacea R, Mesonjesi A, Aydin A |
1251 - 1272 |
Geothermal convection in the Tengiz carbonate platform, Kazakhstan: Reactive transport models of diagenesis and reservoir quality Jones GD, Xiao YT |
1273 - 1288 |
Conceptual model for predicting mudstone dimensions in sandy braided-river reservoirs Lynds R, Hajek E |
1289 - 1289 |
Robert Wynn "Bob" Grayson (1921-2005) - Memorial Grayson BF |
1292 - 1292 |
Understanding growth-faulted, intraslope subbasins by applying sequence-stratigraphic principles: Examples from the south Texas Oligocene Frio Formation: Discussion (vol 90 pg 791, 2006) Edward MB |