AAPG Bulletin, Vol.90, No.8, 1187-1200, 2006
Reactivation of pressure-solution seams by a strike-slip fault-sequential, dilational jog formation and fluid flow
This work examines how older pressure-solution seams become sheared or reactivated by slip because of movement on a younger fault segment. The reactivation then leads to the creation of secondary structures. These are followed by further changes in the local stress-strain field that result in slip reactivation on the secondary structures and in the creation of third-order structures. This sequence of deformation reflects and reveals transient changes in the stress-strain field along the margins of the fault during active slip on the fault. The reactivation may lead to enhanced rock permeability and/or porosity that allow for temporary periods of fluid movement. Thus, we believe that this serves as an important model to contribute to the understanding of movement of fluids such as oil and gas around active faults.