437 - 464 |
Modeling Unsaturated Flow in Absorbent Swelling Porous Media: Part 1. Theory Diersch HJG, Clausnitzer V, Myrnyy V, Rosati R, Schmidt M, Beruda H, Ehrnsperger BJ, Virgilio R |
465 - 477 |
The Effect of Strong Heterogeneity on the Onset of Convection in a Porous Medium: 2D/3D Localization and Spatially Correlated Random Permeability Fields Nield DA, Kuznetsov AV, Simmons CT |
479 - 500 |
Flux in Porous Media with Memory: Models and Experiments Di Giuseppe E, Moroni M, Caputo M |
501 - 523 |
Modeling Thermal-Hydrologic Processes for a Heated Fractured Rock System: Impact of a Capillary-Pressure Maximum Sun Y, Buscheck TA, Lee KH, Hao Y, James SC |
525 - 539 |
Vertical Permeability Distribution of Reservoirs with Impermeable Barriers Green CP, Ennis-King J |
541 - 572 |
Generation of Voronoi Grid Based on Vorticity for Coarse-Scale Modeling of Flow in Heterogeneous Formations Evazi M, Mahani H |
573 - 590 |
Equilibrium and Kinetic Study of Congo Red Adsorption onto Lignin-Based Activated Carbons Cotoruelo LM, Marques MD, Diaz FJ, Rodriguez-Mirasol J, Rodriguez JJ, Cordero T |
591 - 601 |
Time-Dependent Shape Factors for Uniform and Non-Uniform Pressure Boundary Conditions Rangel-German ER, Kovscek AR, Akin S |
603 - 621 |
A New Stochastic Bubble Population Model for Foam Flow in Porous Media Zitha PLJ, Du DX |
623 - 636 |
3D Morphology and Permeability of Highly Porous Cellulosic Fibrous Material Delisee C, Lux J, Malvestio J |
637 - 652 |
Nonlinear Multigrid Methods for Numerical Solution of the Unsaturated Flow Equation in Two Space Dimensions Juncu G, Nicola A, Popa C |
653 - 666 |
Pore-Level Investigation of Heavy Oil Recovery During Water Alternating Solvent Injection Process Dehghan AA, Farzaneh SA, Kharrat R, Ghazanfari MH, Rashtchian D |
667 - 676 |
Flow of a Weakly Conducting Fluid in a Channel Filled with a Porous Medium Pantokratoras A, Fang TG |
677 - 680 |
Comment on "Flow of a Weakly Conducting Fluid in a Channel Filled with a Porous Medium" by A. Pantokratoras and T. Fang, Transport in Porous Media, DOI 10.1007/s11242-009-9470-6 Magyari E |
681 - 697 |
Sensitivity of Intrinsic Permeability to Electrokinetic Coupling in Shaly and Clayey Porous Media Brovelli A, Cassiani G |
699 - 709 |
Method to Evaluate the Potential of Water Injection in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Li KW, Horne RN |
711 - 724 |
A New Mathematical Model for Force Gravity Drainage in Fractured Porous Media Ghazvini MG, Kharrat R, Masihi M |
725 - 740 |
Identification of Fluid Dynamics in Forced Gravity Drainage Using Dimensionless Groups Rostami B, Kharrat R, Pooladi-Darvish M, Ghotbi C |
741 - 770 |
Accurate Representation of Near-well Effects in Coarse-Scale Models of Primary Oil Production Nakashima T, Durlofsky LJ |
771 - 791 |
The Sensitivity of Thermohaline Groundwater Circulation to Flow and Transport Parameters: A Numerical Study Based on Double-Diffusive Convection above a Salt Dome Holzbecher E, Kohfahl C, Mazurowski M, Bacik A, Dobies M, Schneider M |