검색결과 : 10건
No. | Article |
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Geometry enhanced asymmetric rectifying tunneling diodes Choi K, Ryu G, Yesilkoy F, Chryssis A, Goldsman N, Dagenais M, Peckerar M Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 28(6), C6O50, 2010 |
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Controlled on-chip heat transfer for directed heating and temperature reduction Dilli Z, Akturk A, Goldsman N, Metze G Solid-State Electronics, 53(6), 590, 2009 |
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Incorporation of quantum corrections to semiclassical two-dimensional device modeling with the Wigner-Boltzmann equation Han ZY, Goldsman N, Lin CK Solid-State Electronics, 49(2), 145, 2005 |
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Mixed-mode temperature modeling of full-chip based on individual non-isothermal device operations Akturk A, Goldsman N, Parker L, Metze G Solid-State Electronics, 49(7), 1127, 2005 |
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Increased CMOS inverter switching speed with asymmetrical doping Akturk A, Goldsman N, Metze G Solid-State Electronics, 47(2), 185, 2003 |
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Non-equilibrium modeling of tunneling gate currents in nanoscale MOSFETs Huang CK, Goldsman N Solid-State Electronics, 47(4), 713, 2003 |
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Numerical simulation of small-signal microwave performance of 4H-SIC MESFET Huang MW, Mayergoyz ID, Goldsman N Solid-State Electronics, 44(7), 1281, 2000 |
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Investigation of the optical spot position on the performance of metal-semiconductor-metal structures: novel application Safwat AME, Lin CK, Kim J, Johnson FG, Johnson WB, Goldsman N, Lee C Solid-State Electronics, 44(11), 2077, 2000 |
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Fabrication and characterization of buried subchannel implant n-metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors Wang W, McCarthy D, Park D, Ma D, Marrian C, Peckerar M, Goldsman N, Melngailis J, Berry IL Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 16(6), 3812, 1998 |
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Self-aligned subchannel implant complementary metal-oxide semiconductor devices fabrication Wang W, Chang C, Ma D, Peckerar M, Berry I, Goldsman N, Melngailis J Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 15(6), 2816, 1997 |