초록 |
RGB color is very important for the color coordination in display application. Bipyridiniums were introducedas RGB colormaterial for theelectrochromic device (ECD) fabrication. 1-methyl-4,4'-bipyridinium iodide (MEBP), 1-(2-(2-phenylpyridinium-1-yl)ethyl)-2,2'-bipyridin-1-ium bromide (PEBP), and 1,1'-bis(4-bromobutyl)-4,4'-bipyridinium dibromide (BBBP) successfully showed red, green, and blue (RGB) color respectively.Elcectrochromic properties of polymer electrolyte besedECDs weremonitoredusing cyclic voltammetry and UV-VIS absorbance.The highest ΔABS was0.55and the fastest optical response was measured as1.19 sec. |