 Fortran source code for calculating the thermophysical properties for pure fluid can be obtained in the following table.
 Fortran files in File Name column contain the KDB correlation equation and methods proposed by various reseacher.
 Example Files describe how to use the HC_***.FOR in File Name column.
 Manuals (pdf file) explain the theory used in the KDB subroutine, method of using the KDB subroutine, and pure properties which are required or calculating the thermophysical properties and supplied by KDB or in literature.
Thermophysical Properties File Name Example File Manual(pdf)
Heat of Vaporizaition  HC_HVP.FOR  HC_HVP_E.FOR  KDB_HVP.pdf
Vapor Pressure  HC_PVP.FOR  HC_PVP_E.FOR  KDB_PVP.pdf
Ideal Gas Heat Capacity  HC_CPG.FOR  HC_CPG_E.FOR  KDB_CPG.pdf
Liquid Heat Capacity  HC_CPL.FOR  HC_CPL_E.FOR  KDB_CPL.pdf
Gas Viscosity  HC_VSG.FOR  HC_VSG_E.FOR  KDB_VSG.pdf
Liquid Viscosity  HC_VSL.FOR  HC_VSL_E.FOR  KDB_VSL.pdf
Gas Thermal Conductivity  HC_THG.FOR  HC_THG_E.FOR  KDB_THG.pdf
Liquid Thermal Conductivity  HC_THL.FOR  HC_THL_E.FOR  KDB_THL.pdf
Surface Tension  HC_SRF.FOR  HC_SRF_E.FOR  KDB_SRF.pdf
Liquid Molar Volume  RACKETT.FOR