초록 |
Purpose of research purpose : Prior to the purpose of this study, researchers at Nottingham University in the U.K. based on the ability to regenerate the effects of Planaria suggested that it could slow down human aging and regenerate damaged cells.Based on the above research results, the purpose of this paper is to find out if Milworm is also effective in humans.Research methods and results : The study found that brown beetle larvae contain 50 percent protein and 33 percent fat, and are rich in amino acids called "alanine," which are associated with restoring liver function. It contains 55% protein, 17% fat, and a large amount of calcium and potassium. As a method of study to confirm this, it supplies heated wheatworms on one side and generally dried wheatworms on the other to people whose liver activity is significantly further away from the general public.Four weeks later, the experiment found that patients who ate heated wheatworms were closer to the normal range of liver levels than those who ate generally dried wheatworms. As a result, edible insects such as wheatworms have been proven to be effective in restoring liver function. |