초록 |
Acupuncture needle begins to be employed from 6000 BC, which is believed to be utilized with early type such as sharpened stone, bamboo, bone. It is a medical device which converts physical energy to vital energy by needle insertion on skin. A few studies have reported enhanced acupuncture efficacy via modification of diverse parameters such as acupuncture needle diameter, depth of insertion, and needle surface. Inspired by such intriguing results, recently we reported fabrication of nanoporous acupuncture needle (PN). The electrochemically anodized acupuncture needle manifest hierarchical micro/nanos-porous surface. That topographical features, interconnected elastic fibers and collagen strongly, that enhance effective surface area and 'de qi' effect. This naturally activated vital energy is inexplicable. but, it is believed that the effect of acupuncture are mediated through electrical stimulation of central nervous system, leading to reduced tissue inflammation |