초록 |
Despite its physiological importance, it is still asignificant challenge to conduct systematic investigation of tissue fibrosis,mainly due to the lack of in vitro 3D tissue model that can accurately portray thecharacteristic features of fibrotic events. Herein, a hybrid hydrogel systemincorporating dispersible nanofibers is developed as a 3D cell culture platformto emulate highly collagenous deposits formed within a fibrotic tissue leadingto altered mechanotopographical properties. Micrometer-length, aqueous-stable nanofibersconsisting of crosslinked gelatin network embedded with graphene oxide (GO) orreduced graphene (rGO) are infused into hydrogel, resulting in controllablemechanotopographical properties. Ultimately, the ability to induce fibroticbehavior of dermal fibroblasts cultured in these mechanotopography-controlled, nanofiber-ladenhydrogels is investigated in detail. |