초록 |
Structural coloration using metasurfaces has been intensively studied asan attempt to overcome the limitations of existing pigment coloration. Althoughpolarization-sensitive structural colors based on metasurfaces have beenachieved, the proposed structures were hard to switch off the reflected light.In this study, we present a structural coloration that can be completely turnedon and off according to the incident polarization angle. Thepolarization-dependent magnetic field distribution of the metaatom is achievedin a numerical simulation. The suggested metasurface has a triple nanofinstructure, and the length of each nanofin affects the location of the resonantpeaks to cover the full range of visible light. The demonstration of thenanostructure, such as QR code images, two-color object images, andsuperimposed portrait images, suggest the possibility of high-security dataencryption, security tags, multi-channel imaging, and smart displays. |