International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.38, No.6, 969-977, 1995
Pool Boiling Heat-Transfer .1. Measurement and Semiempirical Relations of Detachment Frequencies of Coalesced Bubbles
Measurements were made of the detachment frequency of coalesced bubbles from circular, horizontal 2-30 mm diameter disks and thin, horizontal 0.2-3 mm diameter wires at high heat fluxes and atmospheric pressure. The disks are a heated copper cylinder and a sintered brass plate through which nitrogen gas is blown. Detachment frequencies from disks and thin wires were measured with water, ethanol and Freon-113. The bubble frequency was determined with high speed video. Semi-empirical correlations of bubble frequencies are proposed for both disks and thin wires. The correlations were derived by the dimensional analysis of force balance equations relevant to the behavior of bubbles.