Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol.116, No.14, 3585-3592, 2012
Empty-Level Structure and Reactive Species Produced by Dissociative Electron Attachment to tert-Butyl Peroxybenzoate
The energy and nature of the gas-phase temporary anion states of tert-butylperoxybenzoate in the 0-6 eV energy range are determined for the first time by means of electron transmission spectroscopy (ETS) and appropriate theoretical calculations. The first anion state, associated with electron capture into a delocalized pi* MO with mainly ring and carbonyl character, is found to lie close to zero energy, i.e., sizably more stable (about 2 eV) than the ground (sigma*) anion state of saturated peroxides. Dissociative decay channels of the unstable parent molecular anions are detected with dissociative attachment spectroscopy (DEAS), as a function of the incident electron energy, in the 0-14 eV energy range. A large DEA cross-section, with maxima at zero energy, 0.7 and 1.3 eV, is found for production of the (m/e = 121) PhCOO- anion fragment, together with the corresponding tert-butoxy neutral radical, following cleavage of the O-O bond. Although with much smaller intensities, a variety of other negative currents are observed and assigned to the corresponding anion fragments with the support of density functional theory calculations.