Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.50, No.22, 12757-12766, 2011
A New Algorithm for the Determination of Product Sequences in Azeotropic Batch Distillation
In multicomponent azeotropic mixtures (e.g., waste solvents), the products obtainable by batch distillation and their maximal amount is highly dependent on the charge composition. A method is presented for the determination of product sequences for any number of components based only on the temperatures of pure components and azeotropes, and azeotropic compositions, without the knowledge further VLE data. The method is suitable for heteroazeotropes and for taking pressure, Change. into consideration, as well The Stability of fixed points is determined With the assumption that Serafimov topological class of the Mixture occurs in Reshetov's statistics; On the basis of the stabilities, we enumerate all feasible product sequences Using the algorithm of [Ahmad, B. S.; Zhang, Y.; Barton, P. I. Product Sequences in Azeotropic Batch Distillation. AIChE Journal 1998,44, 5, 1051-1070.]. Finally, the relative amount of cuts are determined assuming Maximal separation for the given:, charge. composition. The results are presented for the Systems acetone-chloroform-methanol-ethanol-benzene and methanol-tetrahydrofuran-ethyl acetate-ethanol-isopropyl alcohol-water.