Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.50, No.22, 12471-12478, 2011
Mechanistic Modeling of Hydrolysis and Esterification for Biofuel Processes
We have elucidated the mechanism for ethyl oleate hydrolysis in high temperature Water and its reverse reaction, oleic acid esterification in near- and supercritical ethanol in the absence of any other added compounds. Both reactions are add catalyzed. H+ (from dissociation of water and oleic acid) and oleic acid serve as catalysts for hydrolysis, and H+ alone is the catalyst for esterification. The rate equation arising from the proposed mechanism provided a good fit of experimental conversion data for both. hydrolysis and esterification: The rate equation accurately, predicted the influence of pH on hydrolysis for acidic and near-neutral conditions. The mechanistic model exhibits the ability to make quantitatively accurate predictions Within and outside the original parameter space, especially for a multicomponent system. Sensitivity analysis shows that the values of the dissociation constant of oleic acid. in ethanol, water, and ethanol-water systems strongly influence the predicted conversions. There is a need for experimental measurement of pK(a) for fatty acids in both water and alcohols at elevated temperatures.