Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.16, No.1, 128-138, January, 1999
A theoretical model has been derived in an electrophoretic packed column where an electric potential is applied to a column in the axial direction. The effect of electrophoretic convection in gel particles packed in the column significantly contributes to the separation of large polyelectrolytes because the conformation of polyelectrolyte quickly orients in the field direction. The dependence of the transport in the gel particle upon field intensity and molecular size aids in understanding the transport of polyelectrolyte in the packed column, since the convective velocity of polyelectrolyte is accelerated inside a porous gel particle. There are few convection studies of large polyelectrolyte in a column packed with porous gel particles under an electric field for the separation. Convective-diffusive transport of a large polyelectrolyts is analyzed using Peclet number described by electrophoretic mobility and diffusion coefficient measured experimentally. The separation of two different polyelectrolytes in the packed column is performed using a value of pef/Peg of individual polyelectrolyte by molecular size and an electric field. The purpose of this paper is to study the separation of solute from a mixture in the column using the physicochemical properties in the gel particle which are measured experimentally.
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