Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.13, No.3, 310-316, May, 1996
Polyethylene terephthalate(PET) textile fibers were dyed witha disperse dye in the presence of su-percritical carbon dioxide at three temperatures of 333.2, 363.2 and 393.2K and at pressures between 15 and 25 PMa. The PET film was also dyed at 393.2K. It was found that the dye uptake in the fiber increased 2-5 times when a small amount of acetone was added as a consolet. The equilibrium dye uptake increased with increasing pressure at all tem-peratures. At 393.2K the pressure effect appeared to be much larger. It was explained with the shift of the glass tran-sition temperature of the polymers at high pressures. These results may be useful in designing and developing the pol-lution-free supercritical dyeing technique, a potential alternative to the conventional dyeing of polyesters that producess a lot of wastewater.
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