Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.10, No.4, 226-234, October, 1993
Dissipative structures of autocatalytic reactions with initially uniform concentrations are studied in tubular flow reactors. A unique steady state exists in a continuous stirred tank reactor. Linear stability analysis predicts either a stable node, a focus or an unstable saddle-focus. Sustained oscillations around the unstable focus can occur for high values of Damkohler number. In distributed parameter systems, travelling, waves with pseudo-constant patterns are observed. With intermediate values of Damkohler number, single or multiple standing waves are obtained. The temporal behavior indicates also the appearance of retriggering or echo waves. For high values of Damkohler number, both single peak and complex multipeak oscillations are found. In the cell model, both regular oscillations near the inlet and chaotic behavior downstream are observed. In the dispersion model, higher Peclet numbers eliminate the oscillations. The spatial profile shows a train of pulsating waves for the discrete model and a single pulsating or solitary wave for the continuous model.
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