Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Vol.40, No.1, 123-131, 2010
Transient film formation on chalcopyrite in acidic solutions
The transient time-dependent region characteristic of the anodic passive film formation on chalcopyrite in sulphuric acid solutions was studied by galvanostatic measurements. The occurrence of two passivation subregions was observed. Both followed the Sato-Cohen (logarithmic) model for the growth of anodic passive films. The experimental electric field for the two passivated steps was approximately 10(5) V cm(-1). The electric field for the first step, at lower potentials, decreased with increasing ionic strength, but was pH independent. In the second step, the electric field decreased with increasing pH. The Tafel relationship was followed for constant electrical charge passed. The transition points between first and second step had almost the same electrical charge for different current densities and the electrical charge of the transition point decreased with increasing pH. The effects of temperature and iron/copper ion additions were also studied.