Applied Chemistry, Vol.13, No.2, 269-272, October, 2009
산처리를 통한 자연석 용해와 이산화탄소의 광물탄산화에 있어서 반응 변수에 대한 교찰
Evaluation of Reaction Variables for Mineral Carbonation of Natural Rocks and Carbon dioxide
There is great concern for carbon dioxide emission contributing to gloval climate elevation. It is critical to develop technologies to diminish exhaust amount of CO2 via artificial CO2 sequestration. The mineral carbonation is promised approach of this purpose by carbonation of CO2 with neutral mineral rocks such as olivine and serpentine. Physical and chemical treatments contributing to the product yield and desirable reactivity for mineral carbonation by the reaction of CO2 and natural rocks dissoluted with sulfuric acid were evaluated. Experimental design to ascertain the effect of acid concentration, particle size, reaction time and temperature was