Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.26, No.6, 1630-1636, November, 2009
Exposure assessment of engineered nanomaterials in the workplace
Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing field and numerous products containing engineered nanomaterials are already in the market. With the increasing use of engineered nanomaterials, it is expected to increase the exposures to nanomaterials in the workplace. However, the researches on the exposure assessment of nanomaterials to humans and the environment are just a beginning step, as the nanotechnology industries are expanding. Questionnaire surveys
conducted by various organizations reveal that many nanotechnology companies are searching for information on exposure measurement for the protection of workers who handle nanomaterials. We analyze the trends of researches on the occupational exposure measurement of engineered nanomaterials and investigate the methodologies of exposure assessment recommended by the related working groups. This work is expected to fill the gaps in knowledge on the exposure assessment of nanomaterials.
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