Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.14, No.6, 739-746, November, 2008
Solubilities of actinides in a domestic groundwater and a bentonite porewater calculated by using PHREEQC
This study presents the solubilities and speciations of actinides, calculated by the PHREEQC (V.2) code in a granitic groundwater and a Cabentonite porewater under a reducing condition. The respective solubilities for the amorphous U, Am, Th, Np and Pu compounds in the groundwater were 2.2 × 10^(-5), 1.2 × 10^(-7), 3.1 × 10^(-9), 3.4 × 10^(-9) and 6.3 × 10^(-11) mole/L, and these values are comparable to the results calculated by the MUGREMand EQ3/6 codes. The major dissolved species for U, Am, Th, Np and Pu were UO2(OH)3-, Am(OH)2 +, Th(OH)4(aq), Np(OH)3CO3- and Pu(OH)3CO3-, respectively. However, carbonate complex ions were anticipated as the major species in the porewater except for thorium due to an increase of the carbonate concentration and a decrease of the pH.
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