Polymer(Korea), Vol.18, No.3, 376-383, May, 1994
생분해성을 가지는 고분자 합금의 제조 : 3
Preparation of Biodegradable Polymer Alloys : 3
소수성전분유도체고서 트리에틸실릴전분(TESS)은 전분과 chlorotriethylsilane을 피리닌 존재하에서 반응시켜 합성하였고, 트리메틸실릴전분아세테이트(TMSSA)는 부분아세틸화전분과 chlorotrimethylsilane을 역시 피리딘 존재하에 반응시켜 합성하였다. TESS 및 TMSSA의 실릴화도는 각각 2.6과 2.5 정도였다. TESS와 TMSSA는 여러가지 유기용매에 우수한 용해도를 나타내었다. TESS/poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) [P( HB-co-HV)] 블랜드 및 TMSSA/P[(HB-co-HV)]블랜드는 유리전이온도와 전자현미경 사진에 의하면 부분적인 상용성을 나타내었다. 또한 이들 블랜드는 pH 3 및 pH 9의 완충용액에서 분해성을 나타내는 것이 관측되었다.
Triethylsilylstarch(TESS) as a hydrophobic starch derivative was synthesized by reacting starch with chlorotriethylsilane in the presence of pyridine. Also trimethylsilylstarch acetate (TMSSA) as another hydrophobic starch derivative was synthesized by reacting partially acetylated starch with chlorotrimethylsilane under the above conditions. The degrees of silylation TESS and TMSSA were about 2.6 and 2.5, respectively. TESS and TMSSA showed good solubilities in various organic solvents. The respective TESS/poly (hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) [P(HB-co-HV)] and TMSSA/P (HB-co-HV) blends were observed to be partially miscible differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy. These blends were degraded in the buffer solutions of pH 3 and pH 9.
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