Solid-State Electronics, Vol.47, No.9, 1479-1486, 2003
Modeling the polarization in ferroelectric materials: a novel analytical approach
We propose for the first time a fully analytical formulation of the polarization in ferroelectric materials that takes into account history effects. Our approach is based on the Preisach theory of the hysteresis loops. A symmetric exponential decay distribution of the dipoles thresholds has been introduced. Consequently, an exact analytical and continuous solution of the polarization could be derived, taking the electric field history into consideration. Experimental data on PZT capacitors show relevant agreement with the model for both saturated and minor loops. This confirms the validity of this approach, which consequently represents a very interesting candidate for efficient ferroelectric compact models to be used either in memory or in analog design applications. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.