Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, Vol.9, No.6, A261-A264, 2006
Alcohol fuel cells at optimal temperatures
High-power-density alcohol fuel cells can relieve many of the daunting challenges facing a hydrogen energy economy. Here, such fuel cells are achieved using CsH2PO4 as the electrolyte and integrating into the anode chamber a Cu-ZnO/Al2O3 methanol steam-reforming catalyst. The temperature of operation, similar to 250 degrees C, is matched both to the optimal value for fuel cell power output and for reforming. Peak power densities using methanol and ethanol were 226 and 100 mW/cm(2), respectively. The high power output (305 mW/cm(2)) obtained from reformate fuel containing 1% CO demonstrates the potential of this approach with optimized reforming catalysts and also the tolerance to CO poisoning at these elevated temperatures.