Current Microbiology, Vol.52, No.6, 455-459, 2006
Quantification and modeling of plasmid mobilization on seeds and roots
Mobilization frequencies of the nonconjugative plasmid pMON5003 were quantified using Escherichia coli TB1(pRK2013) as donor of a helper plasmid, E. coli M182 (pMON5003) as donor of the nonconjugative plasmid, and Pseudomonas fluorescens as recipient. Initial mating experiments were conducted in nutrient and minimal salts media and pea seed exudates. Mobilization rates were higher during early stationary growth of donors, helpers, and recipients. Numbers of transconjugants were higher in biparental matings when donors contained both conjugative and nonconjugative plasmids, versus tri-parental matings. A mathematical model was developed to predict a nonconjugative plasmid transfer rate parameter (delta), estimating the proportion of conjugative matings in which a plasmid is mobilized. Values of delta ranged from 8 x 10(-3) to 7.9 x 10(-1). Transfer frequencies for pMON5003 from E. coli to P. fluorescens on pea seeds and roots were determined. Transconjugants (P. fluorescens 2-79 (pMON5003)) were isolated from seeds, roots, and soil, but mobilization frequencies were lower than in liquid media.