Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol.89, No.10, 3043-3049, 2006
Monodisperse and corrosion-resistant metallic nanoparticles embedded into sepiolite particles for optical and magnetic applications
The preparation of large quantities of heterogeneous materials containing non-agglomerated and monodispersed nanoparticles is becoming one of the bottlenecks that hinders the development of commercial devices. Here we describe a method to prepare monodispersed metallic (Cu, Ag, Au, Ni, Co, and Fe) nanoparticles in a silicate matrix (sepiolite) by means of a reduction process of metallic cations associated with a dehydration process of the matrix. This process is characterized by the huge amount of monodispersed metallic nanoparticles that it produces. Additionally, these nanoparticles have been revealed to be remarkably stable against oxidation because the transformed sepiolite matrix becomes a diffusion barrier for oxygen. Furthermore, the nanoparticles present suitable properties to be used for optical and magnetic applications.