Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol.88, No.5, 1145-1149, 2005
Influence of surface cleaning and calcination on rheological properties of silicon carbide aqueous suspensions
The influence of surface cleaning, including deionized water, acid, and base cleaning, on the rheological properties of silicon carbide (SiC) aqueous suspensions was investigated. The SiC powders were well dispersed irrespective of the surface treatment. However, the viscosity was affected by the surface cleaning. The experimental results indicated that base cleaning caused a lower viscosity. The reason of the cleaning influence on viscosity was discussed. The influence of SiC oxidative thermal treatment was determined for SiC suspensions. Calcination of SiC powders at 550 degrees C is observed to evidently reduce the viscosity of the SiC slurry. But further increase of the calcination temperature will be deleterious to the rheologic properties. The hydration of amorphous SiO2 on the SiC surface is used to clarify the phenomenon.