Chemical Engineering Science, Vol.54, No.13-14, 2475-2480, 1999
Analysis of simulated moving-bed reactors
The simulated moving-bed reactor (SMBR) combines continuous countercurrent chromatographic separation with chemical reaction. This is a hybrid process, not energy-intensive and is competitive with traditional processes in which reaction and separation are carried out in different devices. The ideal application of this technology is to reactions where the once-through conversion is limited by chemical equilibrium. In this case SMBRs can achieve simultaneously the goals of complete conversion and separation of the products. Examples are esterifications, transesterifications, etherifications, acetilations, some isomerisations, hydrogenations, some enzyme reactions and others. A complete analysis of the behaviour of SMBs without chemical reaction is available. SMBR units are more complex than SMBs and more properties have to be accounted for, such as the reaction rate and the equilibrium conversion. The purpose of this work is to illustrate the behaviour and develop a design strategy for SMBRs, based on our understanding of the corresponding non-reactive units.