Applied Chemistry, Vol.10, No.2, 673-676, November, 2006
전자선 조사 전처리에 의한 유기성 폐기물의 퇴비화 효율 평가
Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on Composting of Bio-waste
Sewage sludge was used as a composting material to recycle the bio-waste. Electron beam irradiation was used as a pre-treatment of sludge composting process. Irradiated and unirradiated bio-waste were composted for 60 days and temperature, decomposition of volatile solid, biological activity and maturity of the sludge compost were measured to observe the radiation effect. Germination indices for the Chinese cabbage and the lettuce were measured to evaluate the quality of compost and its toxicity. Experimental results showed that electron beam irradiation induced a positive effect on sludge compost.