Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.12, No.5, 663-672, September, 2006
Photocatalytic Characteristics on Sintered Glass and Micro Reactor
In this study, the photocatalytic degradation characteristics of D-glucose as a model compound on a sintered glass reactor (GR) and a microreactor (MR) were examined under various experimental conditions. To apply TiO2 coatings onto the GR and MR, a TiO2 solution was synthesized by hydrolysis of titanium oxysulfate. An increase in the feed rate was accompanied by an increase in the degradation rate of the D-glucose solution over the GR and MR. Also, the reaction rate constant and Langmuir adsorption coefficient were calculated under various experimental conditions. To evaluate the effect of mass transfer on the different reactors, the Damkohler numbers of each reactor were calculated; the value of the GR was ca. 10 times higher than that of the MR. Results of reaction rate analysis illustrated that the complete control by the catalyst surface reaction. To investigate the effect of surface area, κvalues of both reactors were calculated and compared with other conventional photocatalytic reactors. When the TiO2 loading quantity on the coated surface was not considered, the GR efficiency was higher than that of the MR. However, the TiO2 loading on the coated MR surface was ca. 300 times lower than that of the GR.
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