Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.12, No.4, 601-607, July, 2006
Curl Depending on Bending Moment and Drying Shrinkage
The curl is an issue during paper coating processes, such as the cast coating process. The curl can be reduced simultaneously in the machine and cross machine directions (MD and CD, respectively) by bending drying with rewetting of one side. The bending moment and drying shrinkage induced by the rewetting process dictates the curl in the MD and CD. Bending in one direction cannot change the curl in the other direction without rewetting. One-directional bending with rewetting of one side can change the amount of curl in the other direction. The pre-curl also has an effect on the final curl. For a given sheet structure, the combination of bending moment and drying shrinkage decides the final curl shape.
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