Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol.110, No.14, 4822-4832, 2006
Effects of intermolecular vibrational coupling and liquid dynamics on the polarized Raman and two-dimensional infrared spectral profiles of liquid N,N-dimethylformamide analyzed with a time-domain computational method
A time-domain method for calculating polarized Raman and two-dimensional infrared (2D-IR) spectra that includes the effects of both the diagonal frequency modulations (of individual molecules in the system) and the off-diagonal (intermolecular) vibrational coupling is presented and applied to the case of the amide I band of liquid N,N-dimethylforimamide. It is shown that the effect of the resonant off-diagonal vibrational coupling and the resulting delocalization of vibrational modes is clearly seen as the noncoincidence effect in the polarized Rarnan spectrum and some spectral features (especially as asymmetric intensity patterns) in the 2D-IR spectra. The type of 2D-IR spectra (concerning the polarization condition) most appropriate for observing this effect is discussed. On the basis of the agreement between the observed and calculated band profiles of the polarized Raman spectrum, the time dependence of the transient IR absorption anisotropy is also calculated. The method of evaluating the extent of delocalization of vibrational modes that is relevant to the features of these optical signals in the time and frequency domains is discussed. The nature of the molecular motions (concerning the liquid dynamics) that are effective on the diagonal frequency modulations is also examined.