Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.23, No.2, 203-208, March, 2006
Use of Activate Sludge Model No. 3 and Bio-P module for simulating five-stage step-feed enhanced biological phosphorous removal process
The ASM3 with EAWAG Bio-P Module (ASM3+P) was used for simulating a five-stage step-feed En-hanced Biological Phosphorous Removal (fsEBPR) process and its applicability was compared with the ASM2d. ThefsEBPR process was predicted to achieve effective nitrogen and phosphorus removal from the wastewater even withlow C/N and C/P ratios without additional carbon sources. Application of the ASM3+P on this configuration will bean ample chance for expanding the new models in the activated sludge process. Sensitivity analysis and parameter esti-mation were conducted with the ASM2d and the ASM3+P prior to model application so that calibration of the modelscould focus only on the sensitive parameters. The ASM2d was less successful for predicting the process behavior. More-over, the ASM2d required 6 times more computation time than that for the AMS3+P due to its decay-regenerationmodel structure. To confirm the applicability of parameters determined from the pilot-scale reactor operating results,those were tested on the field data without further correction. Only the ASM3+P successfully predicted nitrogen andphosphate variations in the full-scale plants. Overall examination of simulation results using the pilot and full-scaledata has led to the conclusion that the ASM3+P is better than the ASM2d for simulating fsEBPR processes.
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