Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol.170, 199-215, 1998
Identification and non linear pole placement self tuning PID control of a jacketed well mixed reactor
This paper describes the application of NonLinear Self Tuning PID (NLSTPID) system with the intention of controlling the temperature of a cooling jacketed polymer reactor containing toluene and styrene mixture. The use of polynomial Nonlinear AutoRegressive Moving Average with eXternal input (NARMAX) model related with tank temperature and heal input for nonlinear control was emphasised. The first part of the paper presents an identification algorithm for the construction of polynomial NARMAX and AutoRegressive Moving Average with eXternal input (ARMAX) models. A Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (P.R.B.S) signal was utilised as a forcing function in order to determine the parameters of the models. Levenberg Marquardt algorithm was used to estimate the relevant parameters of NARMAX model. Similar work was carried out for ARMAX model using Bierman, Kalman and Least Square Estimation algorithms. The time response of the tank temperature obtained from computer simulation, identified models and experimental data to a unit step change in manipulated variable were compared. Next, linear and non linear models were used with STPID algorithm to demonstrate the performance of the available control in response to disturbances. Ail theoretical works were compared with experimental data.