Applied Chemistry, Vol.8, No.2, 402-405, October, 2004
Poly(ethylene glycol)이 개질된 수용성 키토산과 All-trans retinoic acid의 이온 복합체에 기초한 core-shell type의 나노입자
All-trans retinoic acid encapsulated core-shell type nanoparticles based on polyelectrolyte complexes of poly(ethylene glycol)-grafted low molecular water-soluble chitosan
We synthesized graft compolymers composed of water soluble chitosan (WSC) and poly(ethylene gycol) (abbreviated as WSCP) to prepare core-shell type nanoparticles based on polyelectrolyte complexes between WSC backbone and anionic drug. Nanoparticulate polyelectrolyte compolexes were formed through ultrasonication. WSCP were used to form core-shell type nanoparticles with WSCP and atRA and showed ability to form spherical nanoparticles. Particle sizes of WSCP-drug polyelectrolyte complexes was 50 - 800 nm according to the preparation condition. Loading efficiency of drug into chitosan polyelectrolyte complexes was over 60 % (w/w) at all of the formulation. This drug loading efficiency was higher than other types of drug carriers such as liposomes, conventional nanoparticles, and lipid nanoparticles.