Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, Vol.16, No.1, 1-15, March, 2004
Element-free simulation of dilute polymeric flows using Brownian Configuration Fields
The computation of viscoelastic flow using neural networks and stochastic simulation (CVFNNSS) is developed from the point of view of Eulerian CONNFFESSIT (calculation of non-Newtonian flows: finite elements and stochastic simulation techniques). The present method is based on the combination of radial basis function networks (RBFNs) and Brownian configuration fields (BCFs) where the stress is computed from an ensemble of continuous configuration fields instead of convecting discrete particles, and the velocity field is determined by solving the conservation equations for mass and momentum with a finite point method based on RBFNs. The method does not require any kind of element-type discretisation of the analysis domain. The method is verified and its capability is demonstrated with the start-up planar Couette flow, the Poiseuille flow and the lid driven cavity flow of Hookean and FENE model materials.
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