Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.125, No.48, 14801-14806, 2003
The standard redox potential of the phenyl radical/anion couple
The voltammogram of aryldiazonium tetrafluoroborates in acetonitrile (ACN), at low concentration, shows a first one-electron wave followed at a more negative potential by a small second wave; this last one corresponds to the reduction of the radical formed at the level of the first wave. Simulation of the voltammogram permits one to determine the standard redox potential of the radical/anion couple Edegrees(Ph-./Ph-) = 0.05 V/SCE and the reduction mechanism of the diazonium cation. An electron transfer concerted with the cleavage of the C-N bond furnishes the aryl radical; this radical undergoes two competitive reactions: reduction at the electrode and H-atom transfer.