Electrochimica Acta, Vol.48, No.9, 1123-1130, 2003
Effect of hydrogen on stresses in anodic oxide film on titanium
Stresses in anodic oxide film on titanium thin film/glass electrode in pH 8.4 borate solution were investigated by a bending beam method. The increases in compressive stress observed with cathodic potential sweeps after formation of anodic oxide film were attributed to the volume expansion due to the compositional change of anodic oxide film from TiO2 to TiO2-x(OH)(x). The instantaneous responses of changes in stress, Deltasigma, in the anodic oxide film to potential steps demonstrated the reversible characteristic of the TiO2-x(OH)(x) formation reaction. In contrast, the transient feature of Deltasigma for the titanium without anodic oxide film represented the irreversible formation of TiHx at the metal/oxide interphase. The large difference in stress between with and without the oxide film, has suggested that most of stresses generated during-the hydrogen absorption/desorption reside in the anodic oxide film. A linear relationship between changes in stress, Delta(Deltasigma)(des), and electric charge, DeltaQ(des), during hydrogen desorption was found from the current and stress transients, manifesting that the stress changes were crucially determined by the amount of hydrogen desorbed from the oxide film. The increasing tendency of -Delta(Deltasigma)(des) with increasing number of potential steps and film formation potential were discussed in connection with the increase in desorption amount of hydrogen in the oxide film with increasing absorption/desorption cycles and oxide film thickness. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:compressive stress;titanium thin film;anodic oxide film;titanium oxyhydroxide;hydrogen absorption/desorption