Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.14, No.1, 103-108, February, 2003
반응매개체로 사용한 염산수용액에서 TiCl4의 가수분해에 의한 나노크기의 브루카이트상 TiO2 분말제조
Synthesis of Nanosized Brookite-type Titanium Dioxide Powder by Hydrolysis of TiCl4 in Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid Used as Reaction Medium
대기압 상태에서 염산을 반응매개체로 사용한 TiCl4수용액으로부터 80 ℃에서 15 h 침전반응으로 얻은 TiO2분말의 주요 결정구조는 1.2 M이하이거나 4.0 M이상의 염산을 사용하였을 때 순수한 루틸상이었고, 1.5 M ~ 3.5 M에서는 브루카이트상과 루틸상의 혼합상이 형성되었다. 또한, 혼합상이 얻어지는 조건에서는 염산의 농도가 증가할수록 브루카이트상의 부피분율이 증가하였으며, 이 분말을 열처리한 결과 브루카이트상은 루틸상으로 직접상변화하지 않고 750 ℃에서 아나타제상으로 상전이한 후 1100 ℃에서 최종적으로 안정한 루틸상으로 상변화하였다. 브루카이트상과 루틸상의 입자크기는 각각 9.5 ~ 12 nm와 11.3 ~ 15.5 nm로서 염산농도증가에 따라 감소하였으며, 측정된 비 표면적은 133.6 ~ 188.5 m2/g이었다.
Main plase of TiO2, powder, which were formed by precipitation from the aqueous TiCl4 solution in the reaction medium of HCl solution under atmospheric condition, was rutile when the concentration of HCl solution was less than 1.2 M or more than 4.0 M. A mixture of nutile and brookite was obtained when HCl solution was 1.5 ~ 3.5 M. In latter case the volumetric proportion of brookite was increased with increase of HCl concentration. The brookite phase in the mixture was transformed to anatase phase by heat-treatment at about 750 ℃, which finally converted to rutile phase at 1100 ℃. The calculated particles sizes of brookite and rutile phases, which gradually decreased with HCl concentration irrespective of phase structure, were 9.5 ~ 12 nm and 11.3 ~ 15.5 nm, respectively. And the measured specific surface areas were 133.6 ~ 188.5 m2/g.
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