HWAHAK KONGHAK, Vol.35, No.2, 211-217, April, 1997
수소 생산을 위한 SPE-전극촉매의 제조법에 따른 성능비교
A Comparison of Properties of SPE-Composites with Preparation Method for Hydrogen Production
수소 생산을 위한 SPE-composites를 환원제 투과법과 함침-환원법으로 제조하여 형태학적 특성, 전기화학적 특성 그리고 물 전기분해실험을 통해 전극의 성능을 평가하였다. 제조 방법에 따른 담지특성이 환원제 투과법은 막 외부쪽으로 백금이 담지되었으며, 함침-환원법은 막 내부쪽으로 담지가 일어났다. 실험결과로부터 환원제 투과법이 함침-환원법보다 전기화학적 성능이 우수함을 알 수 있었으며 물 전기분해실험을 통하여 이를 확인할 수 있었다.
We were prepared SPE-composites with reductant penetrating method and impregnation-reduction method. And its characteristic properties were investigated by morphological analysis, electrochemical experiment and water electrolysis. As a result of the morphological analysis, Pt of SPE-composites prepared by reductant penetrating and impregnation-reduction method was deposited outward, inward respectively. From the electrochemical experiment, reductant penetrating method is better than impregnation-reduction method. As a result of water electrolysis, we confirmed that reductant penetrating method is better.
Keywords:SPE-Composite;Reductant Penetrating Method;Impregnation-Reduction Method;Morphological Analysis;Water Electrolysis
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