Applied Chemistry, Vol.5, No.1, 167-170, May, 2001
계면활성제 수용액에서의 임계미셀농도에 미치는 온도의 영향과 이의 열역학적 해석
Effect of Temperature on Critical Micelle Concentration in Surfactant Aqueous Solution and Its Thermodynamic Analysis
Micelles are one type of surfactant aggregation and the narrow concentration range is called the critical micelle concentration (CMC) above which micelles exist in the solutions. Micellization is affected by surfactant solution temperature, and the correlation between CMC and temperature has been represented by polynomial fitting of CMC and T by now. It is known that CMC is dependent for temperature, but not assured how it depends on. This article deduced new relationship CMC with temperature from thermodynamic equation and linear change of enthalpy and entropy with temperature on micelle formation in surfactant aqueous solution.