Rheologica Acta, Vol.40, No.6, 552-559, 2001
Characterization of polymer dispersions by Fourier transform rheology
Fourier transform rheology is a very sensitive technique to characterize non-linear rheological fluid properties. It has been applied here for the first time to polymer dispersions in water and the results are compared to those from conventional rheology. namely steady and small amplitude oscillatory shear experiments. The investigated systems are mainly based on styrene and n-butylacrylate. A first attempt was made to evaluate how far colloidal parameters like particle volume fraction and ionic strength as well as chemical composition and surface characteristics of the dispersed particles are reflected in FT-rheology spectra. Significantly different non-linearities are observed for highly concentrated dispersions of particles with different T-g. These differences are not detected in linear oscillatory shear and show up in steady shear only at significantly higher shear rates. Particle surface characteristics influence the non-linear response in oscillatory shear significantly and the intensity of the overtones is found to be higher for a dispersion of particles with a "hairy" swollen surface layer as compared to a system of smooth particles, although the solids content was adjusted to match the steady shear viscosity. The intensity of the overtones in FT-rheology strongly decrease upon dilution. At a solid content below 35% no differences are observed in the FT-experiments for the systems investigated here. whereas the differences in steady shear are very pronounced in this concentration range. A significant influence of added salt onto the non-linear response is detected for some systems, which might be correlated to the stability of these systems. The observed phenomena certainly cannot be explained in terms of constitutive equations or microstructural statistical mechanical models at present. Thus, FT-rheology yields information complementary to classical steady or linear oscillatory shear experiments.