Bioresource Technology, Vol.82, No.2, 151-156, 2002
Anaerobic removal of linear alcohol ethoxylates
The present paper deals with a laboratory-scale study of anaerobic treatment of two commercial mixtures (LS2, LT7) of alcohol ethoxylates with 8-14 carbon atoms and 2 and 7 ethoxy groups. Tests were carried out in batch, with a 2 g 1(-1) single dose, and in semibatch, with daily 0.2 g 1(-1) doses. The behaviour of the tested mixtures was different: anaerobic sludge adsorption was the main removal process for LS2, while adsorption was less significant and biodegradation was more important for LT7. These differences appeared to be mainly related to the ethoxy portion length determining the extent of biodegradability and adsorption.